Stack exchange ffmpeg map video audio streams merge
Stack exchange ffmpeg map video audio streams merge

stack exchange ffmpeg map video audio streams merge stack exchange ffmpeg map video audio streams merge

These parameters allow FFMPEG to execute successfully under normal circumstances: let ffmpegParameters = [ The screen resolution and aspect ratio are manually set, as I discovered differing settings with each video I have been processing. This next block of code are the parameters that I've actually hard-coded in this case.

stack exchange ffmpeg map video audio streams merge

In this scenario, I created a basic module to help me better understand my problem: Evaluation from all processes: [ I first executed ffprobe so that I can access what I'll refer to as the "video file spec". I've encountered a scenario in which no audio is provided for one of the input video files. I've written a node.js script to merge multiple video files into a single file.

Stack exchange ffmpeg map video audio streams merge